In our case right now, money is a pretty strong "carrot" to dangle! We believe whole-heartedly that kids should be able to earn money in a money-driven society. So, we have created earning potential here at home. Bobby now receives a monthly allowance given to him about the same time as our payday (so we don't forget and blow it!). He can also earn money for grades. A=$5; B=$3; C=$2. Then we take back cash for D's and F's. Amazingly, this last quarter of school he began to realize the earning potential here and got NO D's or F's. That grade report cost us a whopping $42!!
Today was "Finance Day" at our house. I've been looking forward to this for a few weeks. He had done some big jobs around the house (not regular chores) and had some cash coming from those, plus his allowance and report card. I laid out his earnings in ONE DOLLAR BILLS! This was impressive to him, until I began to ask for "cash back." He also knew that debts were paid on Finance Day! "Please give me $5. for the shampoo bottle you emptied just for fun in your bath. And I'd like $2. for the gum you took from the car without asking. You climbed on the rocks you've been asked to stay off and broke a very nice fern plant to shreds. I'd like $10. for that. You owe your uncle $10. and let's remember to put some into savings." At the end of our discussion, half the piles of one dollar bills were gone. He still had a nice chunk for something he's been saving for (more fishing gear) but he SAW how much cash was used for restitution.
We discussed how he could actually KEEP all of his earnings next month. Did we cure impulsivity with money? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! But this is one more step in the longgggg path to guiding a busy boy. We can not let up on our vigilance for a minute. Every "plan" contributes to reaching a successful goal!!